''){ $qry=mysql_query("select * from tbl_items where ItmID='".$mpid."'") or die("Invalid MSecID ".mysql_error()); if($qry){ $rows=mysql_num_rows($qry); if($rows>0){ $data=mysql_fetch_row($qry); $move_mSecID = $data[1]; $move_SecID = $data[2]; $move_MainID = $data[3]; $move_SubID = $data[4]; } }else{ $mpid=0; } mysql_free_result($qry); } ?>
Manage Move to Main Section

This is the page showing main section ( first level of your products ). Clicking on the main section will move the produuct into the selected main section if the section ( second level of product ) exist then it will show the section of this main section . To which section you want to move product.
0){ ?> 0){ $link = "MoveSections.php?MSecID=".$rs["MSecID"]."&mpid=".$mpid."&mRanking=".$mRanking."&mpname=".$mpname."&mano=".$mano."&lng=".$LngID.""; } else{ $link = "movenow.php?MSecID=".$rs["MSecID"]."&mpid=".$mpid."&mRanking=".$mRanking."&mpname=".$mpname."&mano=".$mano."&lng=".$LngID.""; } } mysql_free_result($qry2); if (i%2==0) { $RowColor = "#ffffff"; } else{ $RowColor = "#f5f5f5"; } // if (isset[$move_mSecID]) == (isset($rs["MSecID"])){ // $RowColor = "#CCFFCC"; // } ?>
Move Product »   Main Sections

 Main Section Name